I Don’t Have Time For Self-Care

“Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock” – the clock’s running and so are we, from office work to doing our chores, from submitting an important report to planning an important party. Pouring and pouring out from ourselves even if it’s empty. Being burnt-out is the new form of success, isn’t it? In always taking care of our responsibilities, are we taking care of ourselves? Or are we too busy for a little self-care?

Constantly achieving targets to fulfill our goals, then why don’t we feel fulfilled?

At its very fundamental level, self-care is nothing but our ability to preserve ourselves and avoid physical as well as mental health hazards. So, if you think about it, taking care of yourself is just part of basic survival. But in this fast-paced, highly demanding world, we tend to put our need for achievement and productivity ahead of self-care, even at the risk of losing ourselves in the process.

The most common excuse people usually give us is “I don’t have time for self-care ya.” However, it’s simple. Drinking enough water while working on your presentation is also self-care. Long day? No time to cook? Ordered some McDonald’s? That’s alright, but maybe ordering a healthier alternative, is self-care too. If we have time to watch TV or Netflix, we have time for self-care. Yes, watching TV to blow off steam and relax may be one way of self-care, but inability to monitor our screen-time turns into escapism and procrastination- a form of self-harm not care. Maybe on alternate days, switch TV time for meditation or Yoga. No time for exercise? Do shoulder rotations or move your leg while attending online class. That 5 mins. break you got? Take a walk.

One may acknowledge that self-care is a privilege. But, it’s also a need. Social media has carved our idea of self-care around spa days and vacations (which is also a form of self-care but not an essential). Incorporating basic self-care into our daily routine can be life-changing. Drops form an ocean. Even switching our sleep time to 30 mins earlier and eventually more, can positively affect our health, mind and body drastically.

Our co-founder Dr. Wilona Annunciation has an insightful take on encouraging ourselves towards daily self-care. Here’s what she says, “We often find ourselves at a point that says, “OMG I needed this done yesterday!” And the most common thing this applies to is taking care of ourselves. We don’t have time for self-care because ‘everyone around me needs me, how can I be so selfish as to put them last and focus on myself. Such a mean thing to do! Yes, pampering myself is a deserved luxury but maybe I’ll do it when I take my next holiday and book the spa session then. I’m sure I can wait a few months. Anyway, I won’t really be relaxing unless I really have nothing on my mind.’ Whatever our excuse, trust me we are never too busy for self-care. It may feel overwhelming to start something new or add something to our schedule, but self-care does not need to be time consuming.

In fact, learning to squeeze self-care into your life may actually lead to less stress, more patience and a clearer focus.

It definitely does not need scheduled holidays, you can squeeze it into your packed work-day as long as you clearly allocate a time in your calendar! It doesn’t mean you are putting everyone else last and selfishly thinking of yourself because you’re clearly not going to be able to help others much of you are stressed and burned out. There’s a ton of things on your to-do list but the chances of you getting that done with a smile on your face will be much stronger when you’re back from a self-care session!

This month, as we observe Self-Care July, let’s put ourselves first, shall we?

Author: Alancia Menezes

Insights: Dr. Wilona Annunciation

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